Tuesday, November 10, 2009

a different kind of day

Sometimes, it's necessary to change one's routine. Lately, I have felt like I've been just going, going, going....like de 'energizer bunny'. How do I go about having a different kind of day. To wake up and just be!

I dream of a day when I can just chill!
To enjoy a day doing nothing!
Is that so bad?

Even as I type this I wonder, where would my daughters be while I am enjoying waking up with nothing to do....even for just a day. Will I wake up and begin to worry because they are not here with me? Will I want to call them.... wherever they are...just to know that they are okay? But then that would be something...I would be doing something! I give up! For this would just be the tip of the iceberg!

Today I stayed home. Today, I am a housewife. My children are at school. The house is quiet. I plan my day and move efficiently but effectively....completing chores...sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, cooking, I can put the finishing touches on some of my work, I do some laundry.. the radio is on...my favorite talk show. I get a few laughs! I balance that with a telephone call or two....I check my emails and my favorite social networks...Whew!!! Now, I can watch TV.

Did I say that this was supposed to be a different day...one where I am supposed to put my foot up, rest and do nothing!

Actually, strangely, I feel good and somewhat rested but most definitely fully satisfied with a day well spent in my own company...the fact my children thoroughly enjoyed their dinner is an added plus!

Give thanks!