Tuesday, November 10, 2009

a different kind of day

Sometimes, it's necessary to change one's routine. Lately, I have felt like I've been just going, going, going....like de 'energizer bunny'. How do I go about having a different kind of day. To wake up and just be!

I dream of a day when I can just chill!
To enjoy a day doing nothing!
Is that so bad?

Even as I type this I wonder, where would my daughters be while I am enjoying waking up with nothing to do....even for just a day. Will I wake up and begin to worry because they are not here with me? Will I want to call them.... wherever they are...just to know that they are okay? But then that would be something...I would be doing something! I give up! For this would just be the tip of the iceberg!

Today I stayed home. Today, I am a housewife. My children are at school. The house is quiet. I plan my day and move efficiently but effectively....completing chores...sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, cooking, I can put the finishing touches on some of my work, I do some laundry.. the radio is on...my favorite talk show. I get a few laughs! I balance that with a telephone call or two....I check my emails and my favorite social networks...Whew!!! Now, I can watch TV.

Did I say that this was supposed to be a different day...one where I am supposed to put my foot up, rest and do nothing!

Actually, strangely, I feel good and somewhat rested but most definitely fully satisfied with a day well spent in my own company...the fact my children thoroughly enjoyed their dinner is an added plus!

Give thanks!


  1. Carla,

    Sometimes it is just beautiful
    to luxuriate in quiet, feeling cool.
    Music gently soothes the ear
    Relaxes the mind, removes the fear
    Settles the insecurities
    Massages the worries
    No response to the hustle
    Meandering around the domestic bustle

    Flights of imagination entertained
    Visions appear, unrestrained
    Time is suspended
    Till the day is ended
    And the kids come home
    The dreams, fantasies dethrone
    Back to the drone of the humdrum
    Making the most of where we come from

    Yes, when opportunities manifest
    we should make the best
    Time gone is time lost
    So enjoy your leisure, at all cost


  2. hmmm. This is really nice. Thank you.
