Saturday, August 6, 2011

Can I get a date please???LOL!!!

Yesterday, I went with a friend to the chiropractor. I wanted to make sure she knew where she was going, so I drove with her and thought I would stay with her. Then I changed my mind, and decided I could get my stuff done and return before she was finished. With that thought in mind, I told her I wold go to the groceries and get back to her. The fact that I had no vehicle to get to the groceries did not deter me. I walked out of the building and focused getting a lift, I hoped someone I knew would pass by that busy Friday afternoon, headed in the direction of the supermarket I wanted to visit. I hadn't walked twenty steps before a car pulled up. I was in luck. A very old and dear male friend had showed up at just the right time. I had known him for many, many years. There had been many a time he would visit my house and we would chat on about many things.....from cars, to relationships, to politics and religion. Many times I would run into him in a similar manner....either walking around, or in a situation similar to my current one...trying to get a lift somewhere....and he would be very happy to assist me. But, there is a big... but.... in our friendship. For all the years he has known me, he has always teased me....I can't count the number of times he has spoken of his undying love for me and that I should give him a chance to prove that he is the 'man' for me. While I like him as a friend, and maybe because he has been such a good friend over the years I just haven't taken him seriously. So of course, yesterday, he took the opportunity to let me know once again that he doesn't just want a little of me, but all of me, for all time.....I smiled as I reached my destination, we were to exchange numbers, given my current need for transportation, but I told him I know where he lives and went on my way.

Here are the stats on him, he is good looking, around my age, self-employed and runs a thriving business, owns his own home speaks well, loves women(I know because many times he as said, he admits to always seeing, as in long term relationships, two or three women at one time, and that will never change..I always laugh because I am sure he doesn"t espect me to join a harem), oh yes, and he dresses okay! Though I am only interested in a continued friendship, rather than a relationship with him, I can't help wondering why this is...surely, it can't just be about his love for the ladies for that is a Caribbean male phenomena?? I gave it some thought and realized that in all the twenty-five years plus he has known me, and with all the chat he has, he has never called me and said would "Carla, would you like to go on a date with me?"

Yes, a date!!! Why do so many of men think they can lure a woman by simply telling her of their interest in them or what they can do to them sexually or what they can do for them financially. So many men seem immune to dating? Does one really need to know of a man's prowess in bed before it is established that there is some kind of chemistry between them. I think dating is a very important and significant element in the building of a relationship. Yes, we may like someone, but sitting across a table with them, sharing a meal can reveal so why not invite a person to dinner....for one thing I love to eat! There are so many interesting dates couples can go on, so as to spend time together and see how each other respond to different settings and situations. If, in the course of the dating one finds that there isn't any chemistry or that the person is annoying in some way, or they are trying to get close too quick then, dating can cease. A big difference to......we meet.....we like...we jump in bed...we in a relationship!

There are many exciting dates couples could partake in during the discovery process of getting to know each other. Breakfast, lunch or dinner dates. A trip to the museum or a Heritage site, include a picnic. Attend a competitive, basketball etc. Go Zip-lining across the forest or take a hike or even go jogging. Picnic at the beach, a catamaran cruise, go snorkeling or sailing! Dancing!! Did I forget church!!! The list of dates is endless! The emphasis, the need for these dates is to get to know each other, the likes and dislikes, NOT a rush to get physical or to establish a long term relationship! Maybe, if my old friend had thought about of us engaging in a few of these things then, I guess, maybe he would have stood a chance...a chance to get to know me as more than just a friend!!! LOL!!!!


  1. Yeah!! Even once you're in a relationship dates are nice. Romance - come back!!

    I think kids are getting too serious too soon too and I remembered thinking this when I was a kid - a looong time ago. My friends would get so involved so quickly that when the relationship came to an end (which of course it would, they were young!) it was catastrophic. Dating is supposed to be fun! They're losing out on the best part of the relationship. I saw this in college too. I refused to get serious about anyone as I wasn't in school for an MRS degree, but was lucky enough to turn a friendship I developed there into a marriage 3 years after graduation. If Caribbean men are going to have several girlfriends, I'd guess dating might be a tad expensive though. Maybe that's how we turn that cultural phenomena around! Good luck Carla and stick to your guns! Renee


  3. Now that you have such a growth in following I hope you keep the blog going. People like stories and you tell them well.
